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Laghey Primary School, Dungannon, Co.Tyrone

News - P6-7

6th Jun 2024
Congratulations to our P6 and 7 cycling proficiency participants. They came to the...
19th May 2024
It’s been another busy week in Laghey Primary School. We’ve been out...
17th May 2024
Please see the information below relating to post primary application outcomes that...
12th May 2024
This week we had our 4th session of our second 6 week block of swimming. We started...
10th May 2024
Rolandas, the coach for our Junior NBA basketball programme has sent us through professional...
10th May 2024
The weather has been kind to us this week for our first cycling proficiency lessons...
5th May 2024
Congratulations to our P7 Confirmands today. The boys and girls of Laghey made the...
3rd May 2024
This Sunday is a big day in the life of Laghey Primary School and the community of...
2nd May 2024
Today we had Basketball NI in Laghey to finish off their Junior NBA programme with...
24th Apr 2024
As we hurtle towards the end of another year in Laghey PS, our P7s were presented...